domingo, 30 de agosto de 2020

Creed of Yahweh-God (or Small Internal Christian Creed).

Creed of Yahweh-God (or Small Internal Christian Creed).

“I believe that Yahweh-God is the Supreme Being, who is, above all, and within all. Everything emanates from Yahweh-God, dwells in a fragment of the mind of Yahweh-God, and then returns to Yahweh-God, in absorption, at the end of its evolutionary process. Everything that happens, be it good or bad, is good for Yahweh-God, since everything makes the soul evolve, towards its liberation, in God's eternal time.

The individual soul is saved by faith in the Omnipresent God, through the Individual Internal Christ, and good works help in the evolution of the soul. The mind influences reality, to some degree, and the prayer of faith can be used to ask, thank, and praise God, in his unity and diversity, in spirit and in truth. The reincarnation of the soul is an expression of the infinite mercy of God, and by law of retribution, good or bad is returned, that is done to others. God's mercy is Infinite, and the forgiveness of sins, one's own and those of others, is a path to liberation. You must love God, with all your heart, and love your neighbor, as yourself.

Yahweh-God created all things, with his mind and with his word, and Lord Phanes, reborn from the Cosmic Egg, is the First Creator Angel, while Lady Sophia is another Creator Angel, who nourishes life, to all the universe.

And always, it is good to take into account these four things; 1-Man proposes, but God disposes. 2-You have to take care of what you can do, and do not worry about what you cannot do. 3-You have to let the river flow, and you have to remember that you are one with the path of the Whole. And 4-If you flow in the direction of the river current, everything will be easier for you than if you go in the opposite direction to the river current.

Om, Praise, Gratitude, and Love, to Yahweh-God. I am a liberated soul, in eternal union, to my Christ-Individual Inner. Amen."

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